Saturday, April 28, 2012


So we are at the half way mark of our 8 week sugar free adventure, to be honest it's been relatively painless, more good than bad.  The hardest thing to change has been soy milk in my coffee, so now I'm limiting this to the heart starter in the morning, one in the afternoon and drinking camomile tea instead.

The best and unexpected improvement I would have to say has been in my energy levels.  For the past year I have struggled with lethargy in both mind and body and I have spent a lot of time and money on trying to fix this with health care professionals of all kinds, but feeling no better for it.  Finally putting it down to just getting older (right I've said it) and having a young child.  But now I'm so much more driven and focused.  I feel more alive and ready to take on the world, not just the pretend energy I'd put out cover how I really felt.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

When we bought this house, one of the more interesting aspects about it was that it had a detached studio.  We always imagined R working from home and to have a separate space was perfect. But we soon discovered having a young child that adored her Daddy in the mix it wasn't practicable, and the room became our sin bin.

However this is about to change, with R starting a new job and DD being a bit older, this room will now become his office.

This is my job today, to clean out this room and get it ready for decoration.

Hopefully I can turn this...

Into this...

Friday, April 6, 2012

This is our Easter project

We have been living in our house for about a year now and finally we are starting the vegie patch that I have been wanting since we moved in.  I'm not complaining mind you, we have been very busy and very poor completing all the other jobs that needed to be done to the house - you know, the ones you don't know about until you move into the house and all of a sudden the stumping, plumbing, roofing and the rest all take priority!

But needless to say we have the wood and the inspiration and have positioned the beds, now to put them together.  This is our Easter project, what is yours?